Thoughtfully Curated Gifts of Faith and Encouragement

Give the gift of encouragement, prayer and peace

Each piece serves as a beautiful reminder to immerse yourself or your loved one in God's word.

Do you need custom Gift Boxes?

I am happy to help. If you're interested in custom gift boxes, please reach out! I can collaborate with you to create personalized gifts for any occasion, whether it's for individuals, corporate, retreats churches, schools, or more.

Elevated Gifting Made Easy

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Why Chain of Joy?

Your gift will not only put a smile and bring JOY to someone you care about, but also share the same JOY with others.

  • The Source

    Supporting small businesses, women-owned businesses, and social enterprises.

  • The Recipient

    Straightening connections through the power of giving.

  • The Outcome

    Spreading Joy and donating a portion of proceeds to a Youth Development non-profit organization in Colombia.

    Creativity Library